Read and analyze chapters 6-11 OF THE NOVEL HOME. You do not need to write about every detail of each chapter. Instead choose at least two strategies, such as Imagery and tension or any other two from MIST to write about what stood out to you. In your analysis make sure to quote words, phrases or sentences that help you argue your point of view.
    Important! You do not need to address every chapter nor should you be summarizing every detail chapter by chapter. Instead, concentrate on a theme, character(s), or conflict within the chapters and use MIST to express your observation about that theme, character(s) or conflict. When quoting make sure to include the page number where you found the quote.
    Please consider this organizational pattern:
    1) one paragraph where you briefly and very generally explain the main idea of what you have read so far and end the first paragraph by including a thesis that states the two MIST strategies that the author employs most effectively and the theme, character(s), or conflict you will explore. 
    2) second paragraph write about your theme, character(s), or conflict and employ one of the MIST strategies to analyze it. Include a quote that supports your ideas and analyze the quote.
    3) third paragraph write about your theme, character(s), or conflict and employ the other MIST strategy that you mentioned in your thesis. Include a quote that supports your ideas and analyze the quote.

    If you want you can write a short conclusion to wrap things up but it is not necessary at this point. All it really need for now is these three paragraphs