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Assessment 3
Take Home Exam Weightage 35%
Student Guidelines
Students will be assigned short answer questions and
case studies to take home. Once the questions are
received, students will have 5 working days in which
to complete and submit their answers individually
on LMS. In take home exam, you should investigate
financial strength of an organisation or a concept and
calculate the most effective solution using formulas.
Answers should be written in appropriate business
language so that your analysis and discussion have
an objective tone. Your writing should be clear and
concise and be in your own words. If needed, use
headings to guide the reader and include tables or
diagrams that make the case clearer.
Required and recommended sources you can use:
Minimum of 6 journal articles (students are required
to use scholarly and peer-reviewed articles) and text
books. – required
Newspaper/Industry-based Magazine articles –
A minimum of 10 references are required for this
assessment. Please use the APA style for referencing.
Due 11:59 PM, Sunday Week 7
Mark 40%
This assessment will be measuring following unit
learning outcomes:
Explain and utilize concepts associated with the
time value of money, extended to an understanding
of interest rates, bond and stock valuation.
Correctly model discounted cash flow techniques for
investment evaluation, extending to capital budget-
ing, project analysis and multi-faceted finance
Critically analyse key financial statements, with a
view to identifying the financial health of an organi-
sation, including how that has changed over time,
and from a leadership perspective.
Have a sound understanding of the cost of capital.
Making capital investment decisions.
Project analysis and evaluation.
This is a summative assessment hence feedback will
not be available. Grades for this assessment will not
be available as it will be taken into consideration by
the board of the examiners and the final grade will
be released by the HE -SSO when the final grades are
released. Students who have high similarity rate report
leading to plagiarism will be followed up according to
the Student Academic Misconduct Procedure.
Submit via the submission link on LMS.
This assignment consists of a number of practical exercises and discussion questions/case studies, which
are covering various topics included in this unit. As the
exercises / questions are not related, there is no need
for students to prepare an introduction or executive
summary for either of the assignments. There is no
necessity to waste time in submitting the actual assignment questions provided to you with your assignment all that is required for this unit is for students
to respond to the assignment questions, not merely
rewrite them!
Please note that students are expected to be able to
prepare and submit all parts of each assignment by
the due date regardless whether or not there are topics scheduled in the unit booklet to be covered after
the relevant assignment is due.
Word Limit 2,500 words
The word limit indicated for questions included in the
assignments excludes any calculations that may be
made and has been included to ensure that students
address each question fully but do not include irrelevant information. The emphasis undertaken by students should be on answering the specific assignment
question given, not including everything the student
can find on a particular issue. This word limit represents the maximum word count per question within
a tolerance of 20%. That is, it is possible to include a
slightly greater number of words than the specified
limit if it is considered necessary to enhance the relevant discussion.
12 MBA 6002 Corporate Finance
The word limit should be seen as a guide to the depth
to which students are expected to answer the selected questions. It should also be recognised that it is
certainly possible to adequately answer many of the
questions in less than the specified word limit. The
focus on each of the assignments however, should be
on the accuracy and completeness of the content provided and this should, to a large extent, override any
concerns about the word limit.
Note: Please do not include a word count when submitting the assignmentsthis would detract from the
markers assessment of the assignment submissions.
Submission Formatting Style Guide
Each submitted assignment should be presented in a
professional manner, that is, word processed or equivalent, in a format appropriate to its purpose, audience
and setting. The emphasis on the allocation of marks
in the assignments will be on the content and processes provided by students for each question. Please
note that there is a specified allocation of marks for
the layout and presentation for each assignment.
Student solutions to practical questions should be
developed on a logical and complete basis and discussion-based questions require students to respond
in a manner that is focused on the given question and
includes sentences that build on each other, rather
than repeat the same type of information.
For all major assignments, both formative and summative, the preferred layout is in 12-point Calibri, with
1.5 line spacing, 2.5 centimetres left-hand margins and
Bold headings. All assignments must be submitted
with a completed and signed cover sheet. Whenever
you use the ideas and arguments of other writers, you
must make reference to the writers and their work. By
acknowledging the work of others, you avoid plagiarism. The APA style requires a reference list at the end
of your assignment. It is arranged in alphabetical order
by author surname.
Assessment and Marking Criteria
The mark sheet prepared for the assignments for this
unit allocates marks based on the processes adopted
by students in order to solve the practical problems
given, or the development of their answer for discussion questions. It is thus important to be clear in your
approach and be specific with your answer wherever
The most common error that students make when
responding to discussion questions is not answering
the specific question given. Instead, unfortunately
many students often write down everything they can
find about a particular topic, regardless as to whether
it is relevant to the actual question given. Where this
occurs, the student is generally only allocated a small