Category Archives: Portfolio
PISCO model in decision making-IUPUI writing centers mentioned
This is an assignment on PISCO model in decision making. The writer should research on IUPUI writing centers mentioned so that he can present his work as required.
PISCO model in decision making-IUPUI writing centers mentioned
The objective of this assignment is to learn how to apply a decision making model, to an ethical problem or situation and to make the best decision based on weighing all the facts, proposing solutions using a Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats (SWOT) analysis. Finally, to make a choice and develop an operational plan based on the choice.
Read the Case below (see #3.), write a report using the PISCO model following APA guidelines listed below, which includes the Problem, Input, Solutions, Choice, and Operational Plan as described in the PISCO model below (see #2.). The written report should include the following:
- The assignment should be approximately 5 to 6 pages in length and be created using APA format- see the following website for help with APA format ( If you are not sure, visit one of the IUPUI writing centers mentioned in the syllabus.
- Use 1-inch margins, double-spaced text, 12-point font, and Times New Roman font (This is part of APA formatting).
- Include a “Reference” page. You need a minimum of 3 “relevant” citations or quotations in the Solutions section. One source should be your text, the other two can be scholarly sources – not Wikipedia or Quote mania or some sort of definition website. Use your citations or quotations in the Solutions area to back up your SWOT discussion.
- Create a cover page with your name, title of course, title of assignment, date, and name/title of OLS 26300 instructor.
- Use headings to separate sections of the case study; choose these headings (Problem, Input, Solutions, Choice, and Operational Plan) from the PISCO Decision Making Model; if using tables, use APA format and place appropriately “in-text,” not included as appendices.
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security standards to secure cloud-Describe the CSA STAR program
This is an assignment on security standards to secure cloud. In this paper the writer should research and Describe the CSA STAR program so that he can tackle question.
security standards to secure cloud-Describe the CSA STAR program
In data jurisdiction an organization located in one legal jurisdiction is the legal owner of data. Located on a cloud service provider’s system, which may physically be located in one or more separate jurisdictions. Thus,rather complicate the applicability and reach of security and privacy laws. Then, A few well-tested legal precedents help organizations and providers understand the full extent of legal jurisdiction in different situations.
For example, the U.S. Patriot Act gives federal law enforcement secret subpoena powers that include examination of data in cloud-based systems.
Controls and audits: That is, Firms using cloud services may need monitoring security controls. In some cases, the effectiveness of some controls may be difficult to establish since they are in the control of the cloud provider. A cloud service organization can have objective audits of key controls performed by external, independent audit firms. Depending on the location and nature of services provided, these external audits can carry enough weight for a client to accept organization’s internal and external auditors.
Two examples of external cloud-based audit standards are: International Standard on Assurance Engagements No 3402 and Statement on Standards for Attestation Engagements No 16. For both audit standards, the cloud service provider selects the controls to be audited, and a qualified external audit firm performs audits of those controls according to well-established auditing procedures.
Case Assignment Visit the Cloud Security Alliance at Describe the security standards that have been developed to secure cloud implementations. Describe the CSA STAR program. What types of training does CSA provide to security professionals and cloud providers? Then, Provide your recommendations to a financial firm that will be using the service of a cloud provider. Describe the security and audit assurance the financial firm would need.
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Effects of geographic concepts on invention-choice varied by region
This is an assignment on Effects of geographic concepts on invention. The writer research on choice varied by region and there effect and present his paperas instructed.
Effects of geographic concepts on invention-choice varied by region
First, choose a food item, cuisine, invention, or idea that interests you. Some will have more information available about them than others, so it’s worth doing some investigation before you settle on one. If you’re not sure if your desired topic is appropriate, please feel free to ask!
Once you have selected your topic, you will then do research to see how each of the following geographic concepts affects or is related to your topic: 1. Regions 2. Cultural Landscape 3. Diffusion 4. Distance decay. The first two concepts are covered in the first chapter of your textbook. Diffusion is covered in Chapter 8, Section 2 (page 484). Distance decay refers to the fact that influence and interaction between locations decreases as the distance between them increases.
Effects of geographic concepts on invention-choice varied by region
As such, it has a significant influence on how things change as they diffuse away from their point of origin. Be sure to address these specific geographic terms and concepts in your work. You don’t need to address them in this order, but you do need to address all of them. You may use “subsets” of these definitions (e.g. contagious diffusion) if such subsets exist.
Be sure to refer to your text and other reliable resources to ensure you completely understand these concepts. You should be detailed in your treatment of these concepts – for instance, you should explain both how and why your choice varies by region, and how and why it has been affected by distance decay. Remember that geography, as an academic discipline, seeks to explain why things vary from place to place, not just describe how they do.
The outline format: Your outline must be formatted as described. Please note that this format will be assessed in your grade: That is,
- Use an alphanumeric sequence
- Finally, Sections should be indented and aligned
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Stimulus Generalization and Peak Shift: Reports Data Analysis
This assignment focuses on analysis of report data to discuss Stimulus Generalization and Peak Shift. The student further recommends ways to understand how stimulus generalization affects the way in which people judge complex stimuli.
Stimulus Generalization and Peak Shift: Reports Data Analysis
Students will prepare a research report that describes an experiment on stimulus generalization and peak shift. Also, note that the report will be based on an actual experiment that was performed in the past. Therefore, students are not to collect any data. The goals of this paper are to
1) Help students learn how to format and organize research reports,
2) Give students greater experience analyzing and interpreting data,
3) Give students greater practice expressing their understanding of a topic and the findings from research.
Paper 3 should follow APA formatting requirements for empirical papers. In other words, model the paper after the kinds of reports that researchers prepare when they share their findings with the scientific community and the public.
Stimulus Generalization and Peak Shift: Reports Data Analysis
The paper should include the following sections:
You will have to write an Abstract. An abstract is a paragraph that summarizes the most important information about a paper. For empirical reports, abstracts usually briefly describe the purpose of the research. Also, the major features of the method, and the key findings.
You will have to write a 1-page Introduction. Additionally, the introduction should introduce the topic to the reader and also describe the purpose of the research (see the Introduction document and the video describing the procedure).
The Method section of a paper includes subsections describing the Participants, the Materials or Apparatus, and also the Procedure. The Participants and Apparatus subsections will be prepared for you. However, you have to prepare the Procedure section. Additionally, a video will describe the procedure.
You will need to write a Discussion section. The Discussion section should compare the findings to the goals of the research. Questions to explore include: 1) What kinds of generalization gradients were obtained? 2) Additionally, how did discrimination training affect participants’ responses during the generalization test? 3) What general conclusions about stimulus generalization does the results suggest? 4) Further, what should researchers do next to better understand how stimulus generalization affects the way in which people judge complex stimuli?
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Tom Beauchamp and James Childress: The Core Ethical Theories
This assignment focuses on The Core Ethical Theories and principlism of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress to discuss the four pillars of medical ethics and their correlation.
Tom Beauchamp and James Childress: The Core Ethical Theories
Here is the case study for your final essay: You are being asked to evaluate the following case using the ‘Principlism’ of Tom Beauchamp and James Childress (B&C) along with core ethical theories from which the principles are derived. The principles from B&C and theories that should be considered are noted below as is a rubric you should use as a check-list before submitting your final document.
Consider the following Case: Case (A) Martha Mc Pherson Case
You are working on care of the elderly ward. Your patient is an 89-year-old woman. Her name is Martha McPherson. Martha has been admitted with a chest infection. You have so far been unsuccessful in your treatment with antibiotics and the patient is now refusing any more antibiotics. Further, you know that without them the patient will most likely deteriorate and succumb to the infection. You are on the hospital ethics committee and Martha’s case is before the committee.
Tom Beauchamp and James Childress: The Core Ethical Theories
Ethical Reasoning Project
Addressing Questions of Medical Ethics*
This work has become a major influence on the field of bioethics. B&C argue that all academically respectable ethical theories are converging on four core ethical principles: Respect for autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. They do not argue for a priority relation among these principles, but that the principles are mutually informative and may be sort out according to the unique dimensions in each particular context.
So, when looking at an ethical issue one might take the following steps in thinking through your answer:
1. Define key terms For instance, respond to a variant of, “what do you think about assisted dying?”, make sure you know more exactly what sense of assisted dying is at issue.
2. After assessing the relevant facts of the case, think through each of the four “pillars” of medical ethics (i.e., Beauchamp & Childress’s “Principlism”). Admittedly, the facts available are thin. But you might show-off your understanding by doing some hypotheticals.
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