Category Archives: Portfolio
cultural artifacts assignment-manifestation of Visual aesthetic in artifacts
This is an assignment about cultural artifacts assignment The writer should also cover manifestation of Visual aesthetic in artifacts and present work as per instructions.
cultural artifacts assignment-manifestation of Visual aesthetic in artifacts
- Describe the cultural artifacts that you have chosen. Consider questions such as these in your response: What is the name or title of the artifact? Who is the author or artist? What is the date or time period when they created the artifact was ? What is the cultural setting or physical location of the artifact?
- Identify at least one common theme that will serve as the framework of your exploration document. How is the theme expressed in your artifacts? Originally my theme was “Visual aesthetic”. Here is Feedback from the Professor…..”Visual aesthetic” is an interesting theme, but you should define it in this section of your project and define it in relation to the ideas of culture, as you do later in your project. That way, your readers know exactly what you’re talking about when you discuss it. You might analyze it more in regard to the two artifacts as well.
- Explain how the theme you identified is related to your personal experience. For instance, you could discuss how the expression of the theme in your cultural artifacts is connected to you personally.
- Discuss a profession that could be impacted by the theme you identified. In other words, how is the theme you identified related to professional experiences? How could a working knowledge of the humanities be useful in this field?
- Describe at least three humanities resources that you could use to investigate your theme and artifacts. Your sources must be relevant to your theme and of an appropriate academic nature. In your description, consider questions such as: What are the similarities and differences in the content of your sources?
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Access for Satellite Scheduling Scheme-planning tasks for EV
This is an assignment about Access for Satellite Scheduling Scheme. The writer should also cover planning tasks for EV and present his work accordingly.
Access for Satellite Scheduling Scheme-planning tasks for EV
Secure Storage and Access for Satellite Scheduling Scheme on Blockchain and IPFS
Sections (Please also make appropriate subsection titles according to the content)
Section 1. Introduction (Around 300 words)
- Blockchain technology in scheduling systems (no need to explain what is Blockchain)
- Use technologies like the Latest version of Hyperledger Fabric (a permissioned blockchain), Chainstack (Blockchain as a Service), Angular (Web framework as system’s front-end), IPFS (InterPlanetary File System) to create a task scheduling and planning system for Satellite Observation, as a proof of concept (an experimental simulation).
- Then Evaluate the performance of the created system with tools like Hyperledger caliper.
Section 2. Blockchain technology in scheduling systems (task/resource scheduling) (Around 300 words)
- How blockchain can help scheduling systems (planning tasks for Electrical Vehicle (EV), Satellite, unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), radars, etc.) to increase trust, enhance security, and ensure privacy, etc.
- Such as, will generate the predetermined task scheduling/planning scheme through the planning system with the Planning algorithms and stored in a traditional database system. Then the designated personnel will make adjustments on the predetermined task scheduling/planning scheme and produce the final planning scheme to use on the Electrical Vehicle (EV), Satellite, Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV), radars, etc
- Blockchain technology can be used for scheduling systems to ensure the data integrity. Since someone with access may want to change the planning scheme for their personal gains. (e.g., someone only pay for Satellite to observe certain area, but he may change the final planning schedule and let the Satellite to observe more area, illegal area, or different areas than it was originally planned, use the Satellite resources for its personal gain)
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Zones of Required Investigations-the Daily Weather Map
Detailed Instructions
Before you get to the site:
Pick an outdoor location for your report. This location could be on campus at West Los Angeles College, a park within your neighborhood, or you may choose to travel somewhere specifically to complete this report. Locations nearby West Los Angeles College include Kenneth Hahn State Recreation Area (Links to an external site.), Baldwin Hills Scenic Overlook (Links to an external site.), and Ballona Creek Wetlands (Links to an external site.). *Important* If you want to pick a location outside of the Los Angeles area, you must get prior approval from the instructor. Please email me with details about the location that you would like to select. *UPDATE*: Since we are under stay at home orders in California, you will likely have to do this from where you are currently living. See below for further modifications (highlighted in pink) to the instructions to respect your privacy.
Determine at least one date that you will visit the location and make the observations. If you visit on multiple dates, you will need to log your observations separately for each date.
Download the topographic map for the location that you are visiting. In the United States, you can use the USGS Map Locator, as explained in the background to Lab 4.
Determine if the location that you are visiting is near a geologic fault. There are a few ways that that you can find this information. a) Download the geologic map for the location that you are visiting. You can find geologic maps of the United States using the National Geologic Map Database (Links to an external site.). [Hint: click the box next to “Use Area on Map” and then zoom in or out to collect maps for the region shown in the map preview box.] b) In California, visit the Earthquake Zones of Required Investigations (Links to an external site.) website of the California Geologic Survey. You can type in the name of the city that you are visiting, or use the controls to zoom in. c) If you have a smartphone, download the QuakeFeed app (Links to an external site.). Click the icon at the top left of the screen (looks like a circle with a grid on it and an arrow pointing to the center). Then, zoom in to find your location.
Download the Daily Weather Map (Links to an external site.) from NOAA for the date that you are visiting the location.
At the site:
Take pictures at the site. At least one picture must be a “selfie” at the location. You should have images to support other geographical observations that you make. Pictures are optional.
Think about all of the content that you have learned during this course and how that new knowledge can be applied to this site. Make the following observations:
What is the latitude, longitude, and elevation of the location? If there is a range, be sure to take note of that information. You may use your smartphone to help you acquire this information, but you must also record the 7.5 Minute Quadrangle Map name that contains the location you are visiting. You should include the latitude and longitude only to 1/10th of a degree (for example, 34.0°N, 118.4°W).
What are the weather conditions on the Daily Weather Map (be sure to record the date)? Is there a nearby low or high pressure system? Is there precipitation in the area?
What are the observed weather conditions for the location on the date and time of your visit? Be as descriptive as possible (think about temperature, relative humidity, winds, clouds, etc.).
How does the actual weather conditions compare to the weather map? Be descriptive.
Are there any geologic faults near to the area you are visiting? If so, what is the name and direction of motion? If so, can you see any evidence of movement along the fault (for example, the area is on a hill that was pushed up due to reverse faulting? If not, where is the closest geologic fault (give the name and directions of motion)?
What is the geomorphological agent that dominates formation of this landscape (wind, water, ice, etc.), and what landforms can you observe?
After your visit:
Write a report that includes all of the following:
The location, date, and time of your observations.
Complete sentences that record your answers to the questions listed above. Be sure to Avoid Plagiarism. Plagiarized reports will receive 0 points.
References to the lab where you can find more information about these observations. For example, if you make an observation about the weather, you would likely refer to the lab on Weather Map Analysis.
Citations for all references that you use, including to maps and websites. You may use any standard format for references, but please be consistent. For example, this webpage (Links to an external site.) provides the APA Style Guide for references.
The pictures that you have taken as part of your report. Pictures are optional.
Submit your report (with photos) to Canvas prior to the deadline. Use File Upload to submit a Microsoft Word (.docx, .doc) or PDF file that includes your images in the document. Apple Pages documents are not accepted. For help submitting an assignment via Canvas, visit this webpage (Links to an external site.). Emailed reports will not be accepted.
Additional notes about the assignment:
Your assignment should be long enough to provide detailed and thoughtful answers to all parts. While I have not set a minimum or maximum length for this assignment, most students will need to write at least 1000 words to create a complete report.
You will need to cite all references that you use in this report. You should use both in-text citations (Links to an external site.) and a reference list (Links to an external site.). I’ve included hyperlinks to useful pages on the Online Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) at Purdue University, but please click around on that site to find more helpful information for writing essays. You can also use the West LA College Writing Lab (Links to an external site.) and NetTutor (see link in menu at left) as resources for completing this assignment.
Do not plagiarize. Please see this page for more information about avoiding plagiarism. Any student found plagiarizing all or part of their essay will immediately receive a grade of zero for the assignment. Immediately after submission, you will receive a Unicheck report (Links to an external site.) (Links to an external site.), which will estimate how similar your report is to online articles and other student work. This score is not your grade for the assignment.
When writing your assignment, pay attention to the attached rubric (see below), which will be used in grading your project.
This project will be submitted via file upload through Canvas. Emailed files are not accepted. The only acceptable file formats are Microsoft Word or PDF. Apple Pages files are not accepted. Students at West have access to Microsoft 365, which includes Word, as part of your enrollment (see the link in the menu at left). If you need help submitting an assignment online, please see this page (Links to an external site.).
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Appalachian Kentucky case study-health delivery challenges
This is an assignment about Appalachian Kentucky case study. Additionally, the writer will research about health delivery challenges and present his work accordingly.
Appalachian Kentucky case study-health delivery challenges
TASK: As a mid-career health analysis, recently hired you have as the Health Policy Coordinator for the Alliance for Rural Health. Then, the Executive Director of the Alliance has requested that you prepare a policy briefing discussing the delivery of Health Care Services to the residents of Appalachian Kentucky. The Appalachian region of Kentucky is comprised of 54 counties with a total population of approximately 1.2 million.
In Appalachian Kentucky, 100% of the population would be considered rural by Federal standards, as only 2.6% live in a town of 20,000 or more, the single incident of Richmond city. The average adult in Appalachian Kentucky reports feeling physically unhealthy 47% more often than the average American and 23% more often than the average adult in non-Appalachian Kentucky.
This population includes families with children in some cases. The paper must accomplish the following:
1. Firstly, Discuss the problem of underserved populations and subgroups, including characteristics of those groups and barriers to delivery.
2. Secondly, Examine the structure of the delivery system and how this helps or hinders health delivery.
3. Then, Discuss the impact of ACA.
4. Finally, Make clear recommendations as appropriate for meeting the health delivery challenges of Appalachian Kentucky.
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employment law questions-discrimination as in Equality Act 2010
This is an assignment about employment law questions. The writer should cover discrimination as in Equality Act 2010 and present work accordingly.
employment law questions-discrimination as in Equality Act 2010
Illustrate your answers by reference to relevant legislation and/or decided cases wherever appropriate.
ALL questions are worth EQUAL marks.
The word limit is 1500 words per question. You must not exceed the specified word limit. This is a maximum word limit (+10% does not apply). We will instruct Markers that they do not have to mark anything beyond the word limit.
will not penalise you for answers that are shorter than the limit; will give credit answers for being comprehensive, rather than for being a certain length.
You should provide a bibliography with each essay answer. Exclude the bibliography is from the word count. Please include the word count for each essay answer.
Answer ONE question from SECTION A And Answer ONE question from SECTION B
Answer ONE question; all questions are worth 50 marks.
- Firstly, Compare and contrast the key concepts of ‘Direct’ and ‘Indirect’ discrimination contained in the Equality Act 2010.(50 marks)
- Secondly, ‘The common law has developed a number of tests for distinguishing those who have a contract of employment from those who are self-employed. It is important not to see these tests as mutually exclusive, but rather developments in the law as a result of the courts facing an increasingly complex workplace and a greater variety of work situations.’ (Sargeant & Lewis, 2017)
To what extent have the courts developed and applied a coherent set of principles and approach over time to determining the question of whether an individual is or was an ‘employee’ under a contract of employment?(50 marks)
- Under what conditions can the 48 hours maximum ceiling on weekly working time rule contained in the Working Time Regulations 1998, Reg. 4, be ‘opted- out’?
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